
Saturday, 18 February 2017


This week we wanted to describe Room 3 in a shape. I organised the children in groups of 3,4,or 5 and then asked them all the same question:- What shape should Room 3 be described as and why? Here are their answers.

  • Group 1 ( Rhythm,Mustafa,Thomas,and Elijah) 
We want Room 3 to be a Question Mark. We chose this shape because we are always thinking and want to solve problems together.

  • Group 2 ( Neel,Patience,Ayla,Aesia)
We want Room 3 to be a Circle. Circles are round and we want be like a circle of friends. We will contribute and participate and share our ideas and opinions.

  • Group 3 (Najah, Ruth,Kohtaro,Hardil)
We want Room 3 to be a heart. The heart explains that we want to be like a family :- caring and kind.

  • Group 4 (Jacinta,Zalaykha,Ulila) 
We want Room 3 to be a Square. We picked a square because we are all equal like the equal sides of a square.

  • Group 5 (Faud,Haadi,Villiams,Murad,Faryal)
We want Room 3 to be a star, because we are star learners.

  • Group 6 (Jade ,Ahmad I,Aniar)
We want Room 3 to be a triangle.This explains that by folding our arms and feet on the mat allows us to keep ourselves safe.